Monday 24 June 2024

Author – Shib Kumar Adhikari,
Kalyani – 741235
West Bengal, India.
Mob – 9477472629

Urdu evolved in India in the 12th century AD and drew inspiration from Hindi and Parsee. Urdu follows Hindi grammer and it is written in Arabic script. This in itself is a befitting example of Bharat-Pakistan relations.

It is the politicians who are responsible for keeping the relations bitter for their own survival. If history is anything to go by, some Muslim scholars translated the Bhagavad Gita in Urdu from the original Sanskrit script. Dara Sikoh is a sterling example.

Ghazals are loved and appreciated by both Bharatiyas and Pakistanis. This musical genre originated in Mecca in the 5th century AD. One great way of restoring sanity in Bharat-Pak relations could be by organizing frequent musical extravaganzas , wherein Ghazal singers of both the countries perform on a regular basis.

In terms of trade and commerce, there is no direct trading between Bharat and Pakistan. Bharat exports many commodities and Pakistan imports many, most of which they procure at a higher price from the international market. If Pakistan imports commodities from Bharat, then, Pakistan stands to gain considerably, given its precarious economic condition.

The LOC or The Line of Actual Control in Jammu & Kashmir shall have to be adjusted in such a way that both the countries can defend it and ultimately become the International Border.

Cross country terrorism shall have to be stopped once and for all. Decades of unabated Terrorism has eaten into the vitals of both the nations causing great hardship and suffering.

Moru Tirtha Hinglaj is located in Balochistan. There are hardly any Hindus in that area. I understand that local Muslims offer Pujas and also contribute to the upkeep of the Purohits. If this is true, such gestures need to be further encouraged and publicized.

The Indus Valley River Agreement between Bharat and Pakistan was signed in 1960; Despite several battles fought between them, this agreement is still being honoured. This is a positive sign in the midst of an otherwise bleak political scenario.

The Punjabi Muslim leader Sikander Hyat Khan lamented that had he knew that Punjab would be divided, he would have not asked for Pakistan. An exclusive Sanskrit chair shall have to be established in a renowned University in Pakistan and it has to be financed by Bharat.

I wish I could visit Pakistan and discuss these matters with the Pakistan Prime Minister. I also hope that Bharat’s Prime Minister will give me time to discuss these matters with him.

The great Bengali poet Kazi Nazrul Islam wrote – “ We, Hindus and Muslims are two flowers in the same stalk; the Muslims are the eyes and the Hindus are the souls. As the sun and the moon play on the lap of the same Mother Sky; We, the Hindus and the Muslims play on the lap of the same country and we have the same blood in our veins and the same umbilical chord connection.

Both Mr. Shebaz Sharif (PM of Pakistan) and Shri Narendra Modi (PM of Bharat) shall have to leave the old baggage behind and arch forward for mutual benefit.

I am sending copies of this blog to the Prime Minister of both the nations.


I hail from a Bengali Brahmin family. In 1914, when my father was 20 years old, he started taking fish meals in the houses of Muslim villagers. He was a strong supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity. He was against partition. He told me that when partition became inevitable, it ought to have been carried out amicably by avoiding the heart wrenching genocide. Both the Hindus and the Muslis behaved as barbarians. Neighbours dismembered neighbours and then murdered them. At that time Bharat (Still Undivided)was under the British rule.

The gruesome attitude even surpasses the Nazis. The Nazis did murder the Jews through gun fire. When the bullets were in short supply, they put the Jews in gas chambers; the Nazis never tortured the Jews before murdering them.

When I was born in 02.09.1939, there was no Pakistan and Bangladesh; so Pakistan and Bangladesh are parts of my heart.

I want to play an important role in improving the bilateral relations between Bharat and Pakistan.

I pray to Allah – Hey almighty Allah! Please fulfil my wish!


Sunday 31 March 2024


India will definitely become the third largest economy in the world by 2047, provided the following conditions are met.

The level of corruption shall have to be reduced to minimum level, the state funding of elections shall have to started. ( Read my blog on "How to reduce the level of corruption in India" ) published in my blog in 2016. State funding of elections are not there in the world; But India could be a pathfinder. The communal harmony shall have to be maintained at a very high level as suggested in my blog published in 2016. My blog can be read at

The Cern proved experimentally in 2010 that the whole universe was created by a bang 13-15 billion years ago.

Revamping of Judicial System in India :

The National Judicial Appointments Commission is the best solution; but very unfortunately a Constitution bench of the Supreme Court has rejected the views. My suggestions are that all vacancies in judges in the respective states and respective state High Courts shall have to be immediately filled up.

The Supreme Court shall have to publish in its website giving full details of all reasons why a High Court judge has been appointed, why particular High Court judge has been transferred to another High Court, why a particular judge has been appointed as Chief Justice of another High Court and fill up all vacancies in High Courts and why a particular judge has been elevated to Supreme Court. The Supreme Court shall have to treat the Central Law Ministry with due respect. If the Central Law Ministry objects twice against the appointment of a particular judge, the Supreme Court must suggest the name of another judge.

At present only the CEC of India is a constitutional authority; but all the other two members shall have to be made constitutional authority as well.

For the appointments of the Director of the National Investigating Agency, the Income Tax Director, CAG, Enforcement Director and the SEBI Director, the panel must have the Prime Minister of India, The Chief Justice of India and the leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha or the leader of the single largest party in the Lok Sabha.They must unanimously decide all the matters; but in the rarest cases, majority decisions have to be taken.

All judges shall have to be ferociously committed to defend the Indian constitution.

If the above conditions are meet by 2047 Indian currency will become a fully convertible currency, it will become as strong as the American dollar. All Indians will feel proud to have Indian passports. No visa will be required to visit another country.

All IAS, IPS and all other officers, including state government officers who take oaths in the name of Indian Constitution shall have be allowed to work as per the visions of the great visionary Sardar Patel. The state Election Commissioners shall be as powerful as the Chief Election Commissioners of India. In West Bengal Vidhan Sabha and Lok Sabha elections are held in 6-7 stages. So, in West Bengal Gram Panchayat elections shall be held in 6-7 stages. In Tamil Nadu, Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections are held in one stage. So, in Tamil Nadu Gram Panchayat Elections shall be held in one stage.

The state police personnel have been made totally defunct; these personnel shall have to be revamped. Because the state police personnel are totally defunct, they are not allowed to investigate in all criminal cases. These delay the Justice delivery system and the Courts are unnecessarily blamed for delaying Justice. These very bad things shall have to stopped immediately.

Considering the fact that skilled personnel of equal calibre are available in India at a much lower rate, India will become the manufacturing hub of the world. The Indians with street dog mentality will increase and become a very powerful economic powerhouse in the world. Our motherland India will become a behemoth economically. What a wonderful phenomenon it will be! I am sending a copy of this blog to the Chief Justice of India and the Indian Prime Minister.

Sunday 22 October 2023

Controlling of Floods in India:

India suffers from floods and draughts every year. These can be controlled by connecting North Indian to South Indian rivers through canals. This idea has been hanging fire for many decades.
Several canals have to constructed for this purpose. Each canal ought to be wide and deep enough so that to boats (preferably wind powered) each carrying, atleast, two thousand MT of goods can cross each other comfortably. This will reduce cost of transportation.Along the length of each canal, reservoirs shall have to be constructed on both sides of the canal at regular intervals for irrigation purposes. This will help irrigation and fish production.
Every year hundreds of people die dye to floods and thousands of crores worth of properties are wasted. The above measures will reduce the recurring problems.
River banks shall have to be strengthened after the monsoons are over. Why should River banks be strengthened during the monsoon? This is a ploy. The contractors and the state government officers pocket this money.
Unifying Ma Ganga, all lakes, waterbodies, canals and coastal sea areas - At Varanasi Ganga Aarati is performed every evening. This is a very beautiful sight. It must have entered into the Guiness Book of Records. But, half burnt human bodies are thrown in Ma Ganga. This pollutes Ma Ganga. Factories situated along the Ganga and other rivers discharge untreated effluence into the rivers.Late Rajiv Gandhi started the Ganga Action Plan; but due to corruption it failed.
While constructing these canals, we shall have to take care of all pervading corruptions in India. While constructing these canals, we may face lot of technical problems. These have to be stopped.Panama canal connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans solve these problems.
Teesta Water Dispute Between India & Bangladesh :
This has been going on for years. It has become an election issue in Bangladesh. Water is a very scarce natural resources. Both India and Bangladesh need Water. Every year floods occue in India and Bangladesh. This can be reduced to a great extent by conserving rain water. There are forty to fifty rivers flowing between India and Bangladesh. All these rivers shall have to be jointly surveyed by Indian and Bangladeshi maritime experts during the summer, monsoon and winter months and find out how the waters of these rivers can be equally shared so that no side can complain. The Farrakka Agreement is heavily tilted in favour of Bangladesh, and it has severely reduced the depth of Kolkata port, thereby adversely affecting the all round developments of the whole of West Bengal.
All the rivers in India and Bangladesh dry up during the summer months. Both India and Bangladesh ought to take loans from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank at soft interest to dredge the rivers.
I am sending a copy if the blog to the honourable Prime Minister of India.

Sunday 11 June 2023


India became independent in 1947; it is now 2023. Why in so many years nothing has been done to allow the IAS, IPS and all other officers, who take oaths in the name of the Indian constitution to work as per the vision of the visionary Sardar Patel? All parties are responsible for the mess. The level of corruption shall have to be reduced to a very low level. The law and order shall have to be maintained all throughout the year.

Can the British Prime Minister wrongly influence any Civil servant? Let us introduce the same system here. The IAS, IPS and all other officers are treated as trusted slaves by both the Central Govt. as well as by the state governments. This shall have to be stopped immediately.

Communal shall shall have to be increased to a very high level. Inter-religious marriages (Without changing religions of the brides and the grooms) shall have to be encouraged. All Indians shall be encouraged to say – “Jay Shri Ram”, “God is Great”, “Allah Hu Akbar”, Jay Marang Buru” etc....

I have written several blogs on these subjects . These can be viewed at – on “How to reduce the level of corruption in India” . Please read the original blog + one addendum.

On “How to increase harmony among various religious groups in India”. Please read the original blog + one addenda.

SEBI and CBI shall have to be made constitutional authorities. In both these cases, the CJI shall play an important role. These authorities shall come down heavily on corrupt persons/organizations without any interference.

Indian justice delivery system is very time consuming; it is hampering the growth of India. I know the British Judicial System is quite quick. Why can’t we introduce the same system in India? How are the British Judges selected? The Bar and the Bench shall decide the maximum number of adjournments per case. The judgements shall have to be written in plain English without any ambiguity. The Supreme Court shall have to remember that it has been created by the Indian Constitution. If anybody feels hurt, I apologise.

National Judicial Appointments Commission is a crying need. The appointments of Judges shall have to be totally transparent. This will enhance the prestige of our Judges and strengthen the foundation of our democratic system.

The vacancies of all Judges in India shall have to be filled in. The above steps will accelerate the Justice Delivery System and this will attract foreign investors to India. Then, Indian economy will become very strong, foreign exchange reserve will become very high and India will prosper.


Sunday 20 November 2022

“How to increase harmony amongst different religious groups in India”.

Our honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi participated in the foundation laying ceremony of Ram Temple at Ayodhya; I support this. But he ought to have also participated in the foundation laying ceremony of the new mosque being constructed on the outskirts of Ayodhya. The whole world is striffen with religious disturbances. Had our Prime Minister attended the foundation laying ceremony of the mosque, that would have sent the right signal to all the different religious communities in the world. I very much hope our Prime Minister will attend the inauguration ceremony of the mosque

. I apologise to our Prime Minister and his admirers for criticising him. Honourable Prime Minister - You are the Prime Minister of all Indians and not just a section of the community.

The word minority usually identifies the Muslims in India; this is totally wrong. There are more than 20 crore Muslims in India; They are the second largest community in India. Kashmir Valley is a Muslim majority valley. The Hindus and the Sikhs residing in in the Kashmir Valley for generations have been brutally murdered and driven out of the Valley. There have been only mild protests against this brutal act. Had the Muslims been totally driven out of a Hindu majority state, the whole of world, including the Hindu intelligentsia in India would have burst into protests.

I am against the appeasement of any religious community.

Hijab Issue:

This problem cropped up in Karnataka towards the end of 2021. The Muslim girls in Karnataka have been going to schools and colleges wearing the school and college uniforms for years without any problem. Some Muslim obscurantists instigated the girls to wear hijabs to schools and colleges, thereby creating this totally unnecessary problem. (Wearing of hijabs is not mandatory as per the Holy Koran).

The Hindu obsurantists retaliated by banning the Muslim traders from the premises of the Hindu temples and asking the Hindus not to buy “Halal” meat.

I condemn all the acts by the Hindu and the Muslim obscurantists. I also condemn all acts by all religious obscurantists all over the world. Power hungry politicians of all political parties create communal disturbances to garner votes.

There are no Hindu, Christian and Muslim dogs in the world; So, why should there be Hindu, Christian and Muslim human beings in the world? Has any religion been able to save mankind against the COVID-19 pandemic? All religions are full of myths. The religious obscurantists believe in these myths and have been creating bloodsheedings since the inception of these religions. All religions try to stymie the growth of free thinking. Let us all unite as proud members of mankind and march forward.


“Non believers have every right to live dignified lives”.

P.S. Hindi-Hindu-Hindustani:
This is a very wrong slogan. All citizens of India are Indians and Hindustanis irrespective of their mother tongues and religions. India has many languages; So, why should Hindi-Hindu-Hindustani slogan be raised? Tamil is as old as Sanskrit; On the hindsight, it might be even older than Sanskrit! Tamil is a vibrant language; Whereas Sanskrit is hardly spoken in India. The government must try to unify India, cutting across all barriers - religions, languages and provincial.....

India was divided by power hungry politicians through a genocide; both Jinnah Ji and Netaji were mainly responsible for it. As a result of the division of India, the religious minorities in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are being held as hostages. The religious minorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh are gradually decreasing and in future they may get totally wiped out/driven out. The religious minorities in India except the Parsees are increasing in numbers.

Kashmir Problem:

It was created by a blunder committed by the first Prime Minister of India. Before, during and after partition, when communal infernos were raging all over India (India, Pakistan and East Pakistan), the Hindus and the Muslims lived peacefully side by side in Kashmir Valley.

This peaceful co-existence continued upto 1980’s. Towards the end of 1980’s, things started changing and all Hindus and Sikh Kashmiris were driven out of Kashmir Valley and since then the Kashmir Valley and some parts of Jammu & Kashmir have been burning.

Muslim terrorists, mostly of Pakistani antecedents and some locals have been killing Indian security forces, inclusive of Muslims and local police personnel, all Valley Muslims regularly. Kashmiri civilians are also getting killed.

This phenomenon will continue till Pakistan realises the futility of the proxy war. If Pakistan becomes a good neighbour of India, Pakistan stands to benefit more than India. May this “benefit” dawn in the minds of Pakistani politicians and generals by the grace of merciful Allah!

Mmany Kashmir Valley leaders tactically support terrorism to keep their vote banks intact. The people of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh must realise that they have the same blood in their veins.

National Register of Citizens (NRC) and the Citizen Amendment Act (CAA):

These things trace their origins to the partition of India. Border fencings were erected between India and West Pakistan; butthere were no fencings between India and East Pakistan. These are the legacies of the Congress govt. at the centre as well as the Congress Govts. In the Eastern and North Eastern states. For decades, vote hunters, particularly in Assam and West Bengal encouraged infiltrations to increase their vote banks. And now, it has become a gigantic human problem.

This problem of infiltration, if not rectified in quick time, has the propensity to shake the very foundation of the already bifurcated India. The vote hunting politicians are playing “ducks & drakes”with the lives of the hapless people forced to leave Pakistan and Bangladesh. If these vote hunters do not take a holistic approach to solve these problems, then India may get totally disintegrated with disastrous consequences in terms of the sub-continental stability

Maqbool Fida Hossain:

The great painter was driven out of India by Hindu obscurantists, RSS and BJP. Taslima Nasreen, a Bengali litterateur (Banglades) was driven out of Kolkata and subsequently out of India by Muslim obscurantists, CPM, Congress and Trinamool Congress. Not a single political party in India is secular and all are against expressions of opinions which are not to their likings.

There were about 180 crore Muslims in the world in 2020; out of this only one person has so far been awarded the Nobel Prize in a Science subject. There were about 110 crore Hindus in the world in 2020; out of these only four persons have so far awarded the Nobel Prize in Science subjects.

Do these dismal figures not cross the mindset of the power hungry politicians of the subcontinent?

There are no Hindu, Muslim or Christian dogs; but there are Hindu, Muslim and Christian human beings and they are fighting and killing in the name of the same creator. Does this absurdity not strike our minds? Have different religions been able to save mankind from COVID -19 pandemic?

If the whole world becomes populated only by the Hindus, Muslims or Christians, will peace prevail in the world?

I was born in a Hindu family; but it was not my choice. I could have been born in a Muslim, a Christian or any other religious family. Similarl, a Muslim or a Christian could have been born in any other religious family.

I am a Hindu, but I consider myself to be a Muslim, a Christian etc... at the same time. All persons must have this mentality.

Let us not brag about being a Hindu, a Muslim or a Christian etc....Let us all brag about being human beings, once and for all.

Mankind has progressed from cave age to internet age and progressing further at a tremendous pace; but the religious belief systems are mired in the myths dating back to the early age of mankind. These primitive religious ideas have created permanent destructive divisions in mankind. How silly and absurd these divisions are!

Human beings appeared on the earth thousands of years ago. Were those human beings Hindus, Muslims or Christians?


1. The slogan Hindi-Hindu-Hindustani is absolutely wrong. Tamil is as old as Sanskrit. It is a very vibrant language. Whereas Sanskrit is hardly spoken in India these days. So why should Tamilians and other language speaking Indians subscribe to the above slogan?

We must try to unite all Indians cutting across religious, linguistic, provincial and all other barriers.

2. All must remember that divisions of mankind along religious lines are totally artificial; these silly and artificial divisions have caused shedding of human blood in the past, continues to cause blood sheds in the present times and will continue to cause blood sheds in the future as well, if these divisions exist.

3. In Uttar Pradesh’s Sambhal Madrassa, every morning the Gayatri Mantra is recited first, which is followed by the Kalma. This very good practice shall have to be the new benchmark for a “Resurgent Bharat” of our dreams.

Author: Sib Kumar Adhikari, B-14/174, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal-741235. Mob - +91-9477472629.

Thursday 7 April 2022

How to reduce the level of corruption in India

1. All political parties give tickets to candidates having criminal backgrounds, despite all of them highlighting good and corruption-free governance in their election manifestos. The irony is that the top leadership of almost all political parties may intend to deliver at least some semblance of good governance, if only to not alienate their target electorate and so be able to win the next elections. However, the criminal candidates do not care about alienating the electorate, as after every election, they freely switch to the winning party. Due to the vagaries of the India political system where elections are being continually held in some part of the country or the other, the top leaders of the political parties need enormous amounts of unaccounted money and muscle power to contest elections. So, even if they want, they are unable to shake off the wantonly criminal elements in their respective parties. So, in a way, the criminal candidates among the political parties exploit their top leadership. Unfortunately, this is how the Indian political system has been criminalized.
2.United States of America attained independence in July, 1776; but American women were given voting rights bin 1920. The power od the monarch in Britain started getting controlled since Magna Carta in 1215; this was the beginning of democratic movements in Britain; but the British women were given conditional voting rights in 1918; the conditions included minimum value of property holding and minimum educational qualification. The British women achieved unconditional voting rights in 1928.
3.India attained independence in August 1947; but the Indian women were given unconditional voting rights from the beginning.
4.State funding of elections may not be there in any country; but that does not mean India can’t set precedence in this respect. State funding of elections will reduce the level of corruption in India and help her to develop at a faster rate.

Decriminalization of Politics:
5.In India we follow the British parliamentary system of governance. No political party in Britain gives tickets to candidates having criminal backgrounds. But in India, all political parties give tickets to candidates having criminal antecedents; this practice must stop immediately.

Expenses in 2019 Lok Sabha Elections:
6.The maximum election expense to be incurred by a candidate as set by the Election Commission of India was Rs.75 Lakhs. I understand that the winning candidate in a rural constituency spent around Rs. 4 Crores; the expenses incurred by the winning candidates in urban and semi urban constituencies must have been much higher. This fact must be known to all the concerned authorities. But, on the hindsight, our honourable MPs are forced to submit unreal expenditure expenses to confirm to the maximum expenditure limits. Why is this hypocrisy? Our honourable MPs will be forced to recoup these huge staggering expenses by other means. This silly system forces our honourable MPs to start their innings by adopting un-straightforward means. I do not have any intention to malign our honourable MPs. If our honourable MPs and others feel hurt, I apologise to them. State funding of elections will stop this bad practice and cleanse our political system and lead to the further development of Bharat.

Author: Sib Kumar Adhikari, B-14/174, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal-741235. Mob - +91-9477472629.

Sunday 6 December 2020

How to increase communal harmony

A translation of a poem by the great Bengali poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. Thought provoking and relevant.

I have recovered from my addiction to the opium of religion

I have given up my priesthood

I have destroyed temples, mosques and churches

And I sing the song of universal unity

We are all the same

So why bow to the divisive shrieks from the places of worship?